Academic programs


Curriculum Program

  • Bilingual kindergarten
  • English language arts – (90 min/day- all cycles)
  • French as a Second Language
  • Mathematics
  • Science and technology
  • Physical education
  • Social studies
  • Arts (including visual arts and music)
  • Ethics and Religious Cultures


Special Needs

Children with special learning needs are integrated into the regular classrooms. Individual needs are addressed through small group instruction or adapted programs on an “as-need” basis. An early intervention program is in place for kindergarten and cycle 1 classes.



Technology is integrated into the curriculum. Students use the tools available to them as part of their learning and discovery in all cycles. iPads are available to each grade 6 student in 2013-14 and to grade 5 & 6 students in 2014-15. Laptops and class iPads are used by class groups or individual students. Technology is also used to support individual student learning needs. Teachers use Smart Boards to provide more engaging lessons to students in all academic areas